GMPI is a relatively young mission, yet God has accomplished much through the work of the Officers, Board of Directors, generous donors and the members of GMPI sponsored Volunteer In Mission Teams.

Below are some of the accomplishments. All the glory goes to God who moves human hearts to serve and give and blesses their efforts.

Establishing GuluUMC_clip015

Pastor Support

Each Gulu Pastor and the Gulu District Superintendent receive each quarter:  $150 support, $15 for internet use and $30 for church and community ministries. In a country where the average salary is approximately $2 dollars a day, this support is a significant help but they and their spouses still need alternate sources of income through small business development.

Pastor and Lay Leadership Training

Funds are provided for holding seminars taught by the Gulu District Superintendent, David Ntogohnya (an Asbury Seminary Graduate), African subject matter experts and short term missionaries from the United States. The DS and District Lay Leadership Team have placed clergy and lay training as a priority. Lay persons have had little to no discipleship training. Those chosen to be local pastors, have had little pastoral training. 


Property Purchases

Donors to GMPI enable the purchase of property for the Gulu UMCs. One such property is prime real estate ($30,000) and is near the Gulu University. It could one day be used for a student (youth or children) center or for an orphanage.

GMPI missions center

Construction Projects

GMPI sponsors Volunteer In Mission (VIM) Teams to construct the District Conference Center and is now working on the Hospitality Lodge next door. Funds are provided for Gulu District Leaders to do the work before the teams arrive and after the volunteer teams return home.

Small Business Funding

GMPI has funded small business loans to Methodist churches and individuals in the churches. Start up funds have been provided for goats, chickens, food vending, tailoring, farming, and other trade opportunities.


Resources for Ministry

GMPI has purchased Bibles, UM Book of Disciplines, worship books, instruments, cameras, flannel graphs, soccer balls and other sports equipment to assist in ministry to and with the community.


GMPI has purchased bicycles and motorcycles for pastors and the Water of Life project participants; the Childero coordinator hires out a driver, which supports the local economy.


Volunteer in Missions (VIM) Teams

For Construction, children’s ministry, lay and clergy training.The GMPI has purchased Bibles, UM Book of Disciplines, worship books, instruments, cameras, flannel graphs, Soccer balls and other sports equipment.

Well Drilling, Maintenance and Pump Repair

Water for Life is GMPI's newest ministry. With training from WaterStep in Louisville KY, VIM team members trained indigenous leaders to repair broken pumps, in collaboration with local water committees in each neighbor-hood. As of November, 2019, 26 boreholes has been restored and are providing clean water to the community.



Mosquito Nets Purchase and Distribution

Mosquito nets save the lives of people from malaria, especially the lives of children. The churches distribute them to their members as well as an appreciative community. Hundreds of nets have been distributed.


CHILDERO Children's Ministry

Centenary (Lexington, KY) UMC provided funds to begin CHILDERO, a mission to educate, disciple and mentor orphan children from the Gulu Methodist churches. In addition to educational support, the children participate in bible club at the various churches. GMPI provides funding and accountability. There are currently 63 children enrolled in the program.