MAY 21, 2018

MAY 21, 2018
Praise the Lord for working in the hearts of those who donate to Gulu Methodist Partnership Inc (GMPI). For this reason GMPI is expanding its ministries to include repairing village wells and pumps in Gulu, Uganda.  John Lane (right), a retired engineer from the Marathon Oil Company, has volunteered his time and was voted to be the GMPI Coordinator for this ministry.
Broken down wells and pumps in villages force people to draw water from contaminated water sources.  Contaminated drinking water results in dysentery, typhoid and a low resistance that leads them vulnerable to many other diseases that plague village life. Most wells will break down after about 18 months.  A well that cost $8,000 to $10,000 to drill, now is useless for the lack of a part that costs a few dollars and the know-how and tools  fix the problem.
This new well and pump repair ministry was birthed this past March when John and three others (Rev. Scott Hoeksma, Kennedy Azaambo, Tony McPeak) formed a Well & Pump Repair Team to travel to Gulu to repair village wells and pumps. The Gulu District United Methodist Church leaders identified eight wells that needed repairs. The GMPI furnished $3500 for two sets of tools and thousands of dollars for Well Repair Workparts. The repair team set four goals:

      1. Repair at least six of the eight broken wells and pumps.
2. In the process of repairing wells and pumps, train at least two villagers at each well site to maintain and repair their wells and pumps in the future.
3. Leave two sets of tools at the District Conference Center for use.
4. Identify Gulu District Leaders to form a Council to establish the policies and procedures needed to organize an ongoing ministry. Have the District leaders select one or two coordinators to secure the tools and lead the council.
Well Repair Team at Wells          The US team accomplished all of its goals and surpassed the number of wells and pumps repaired. Their goal was six wells but they ended up repairing all eight. The US team and the newly formed Gulu council worked together to organize its policies and operating procedures. The Gulu Team gave the ministry the Acholi name “PII MAKWOO” which is interpreted “Water of Life.” They chose that name remembering John 7:37 – 38, “If anyone is thirsty, let him come to me and drink. Whoever believes in me, as the Scripture has said, ‘Streams of living water will flow from within me.’”
After each well was repaired the villagers came out to have a worship service of singing and dancing and praising God for the flow of water from the repaired well.
Since the US Team returned to the US, the Guluv PII Makwoo Team has repaired two additional wells.  In all an estimated 4,000 to 7, 000 people in and around the ten villages have clean safe water.

Without neglecting your home church we invite those who feel led of God to support GMPI. You may give a general gift to go wherever it is presently needed or you may designate your gift to support Gulu pastors, Childero or any of the other vital ministries listed on this GMPI Website. Send your checks to GMPI Attention: Treasurer, 133 Cumberland Rd, Greenup, KY 41144. Unless your gift is for the general support of GMPI, clearly designate where your gift is to go.

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