June 26, 2018
Greeting to all our donors, friends and website visitors.
The mission of the Gulu Methodist Partnership Inc (GMPI), Uganda, East Africa, is to support the Gulu Methodist District and its churches in their efforts to make disciples. Over the past eight years, the requested support of District leaders fit into four primary needs. The first is the financial support of pastors and the training of pastors and laity. The second is the PII Makwoo (Water of Life) ministry which is supporting the churches in their efforts to proclaim the gospel while providing pump repair to village wells. The third is CHILDERO which is an effort to provide education, mentoring, and Christian discipling to orphans of Methodist churches. The fourth is the support for local church and community ministries.
The John’s Journal article for this month is an example of what God is doing as a result of GMPI’s support of pastors and their involvement in local church and community ministries. Pastor Peter Ojok is the pastor of the Koch Goma church. Pastor Peter writes this, “I want to appreciate you for your wonderful prayers for our churches and as you see in these photos our numbers are growing every Sunday.”
The reason for the growth of Pastor Peter’s church is his leading the Koch Goma church in a number of outreach ministries.
One of those outreach ministries is the ministry of reconciliation regarding land conflicts. During the twenty year civil war in Gulu (1986 to 2006), the government herded tens of thousands of villagers from their village homes to Internal Displacement Camps (IDP) for their protection from the rebel LRA raids. Some people didn’t go to the IDP Camps but instead took over the land owned by those who did. In some cases those who illegally settled the land, sold the land and disappeared. After the war in (2007-8) people returned their villages and land only to find others occupying their land. This has caused violent conflict.
Pastor Peter writes about this ministry of reconciliation, “I would like to thank God for what He is doing in my church. We have an outreach …to the community to teach them … the people are killing eachother for land and some victim are Christians. Since we have started these programs we have seen good … many people are following us up to
the church. Pray for us; the program is good but it is very expensive. May God bless you all in Jesus Name.” The Apostle Paul writes (I Corinthians 5:18), “And all things are of God, who hath reconciled us to himself by Jesus Christ, and hath given to us the ministry of reconciliation.”
This is just one example of how God is using your dollars donated to GMPI to make a difference.
Your Servant in Christ, Pastor John